Will Insurance Cover Mental Health Services?

2020 has been an incredibly rough year. From medical concerns, to financial concerns, and more, this year has taken a toll on millions of Americans. It is extremely important to get the care that you need. Mental health can be a bit tricky when it comes to being covered by insurance. However, it is more common than you may think. Your insurance policy may cover the mental health treatment that you need.

Does Health Insurance Cover Mental Health Treatment?

Health insurance policies will typically cover mental health treatments. In fact, health insurance plans are required by law to cover essential services, and mental health services are a part of that essential care. It does not matter where you get your insurance from whether private, the government, or through your employer. Government health insurance programs like Medicare and Medicaid also cover a variety of mental health services. If you are getting insurance through your employer, a majority will cover mental health services as well. An example would be if your employer has at least 50 employees working at their company. They would be required to cover mental health services within its insurance policies.

The best rule of thumb is to contact your health insurance provider to verify their coverage options. Make sure to see that the services you are looking to receive are covered by your current policy. You want to ask important questions to your provider like who is within your health care network, what your co-payments would be, and what your deductible is. These pieces of information will allow you to have a better understanding as to what your care plan will mean for your finances.

What if Your Insurance Does Not Help?

There are free resources available that can help you with mental health in a more cost-effective way. Some helpful assistance options would be local support groups, clinical trials, programs from the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and the HRSA Health Center program. These are more affordable options and can even provide assistance specifically based on what your financial situation. You can also contact hotlines if you are in need of immediate mental health support.

If you still are not getting the coverage you want, then it may be time for you to consider switching policies. You want to make sure that you keep all aspects of your health in check so maybe finding another insurance policy that has more mental health coverage options may be the better choice for you.


Health insurance policies should cover some sort of mental service treatment. However, you need to see what service you would like to get for yourself in order to see how your insurance policy covers it. If you take the time to research and talk with your insurance provider then you will be able to get a better understanding of the financial aspect of your mental health care. Make sure to ask any questions and keep an open mind if you need to find better coverage options.